Package org.cleaninsights.sdk


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data class Campaign(    val start: Calendar,     val end: Calendar,     val aggregationPeriodLength: Long,     val numberOfPeriods: Int = 1,     val onlyRecordOnce: Boolean = false,     val eventAggregationRule: EventAggregationRule = EventAggregationRule.Sum,     val strengthenAnonymity: Boolean = false)
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class CampaignConsent(val campaignId: String, consent: Consent) : Consent
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open class CleanInsights(val configuration: Configuration, store: Store)
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data class Configuration(    val server: URL,     val siteId: Int,     val campaigns: Map<String, Campaign>,     val timeout: Double = 5.0,     val maxRetryDelay: Double = 3600.0,     val maxAgeOfOldData: Int = 100,     val persistEveryNTimes: Int = 10,     val serverSideAnonymousUsage: Boolean = false,     val debug: Boolean = false)
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open class Consent(    val granted: Boolean,     val start: Calendar =,     val end: Calendar =
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interface ConsentRequestUi
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typealias ConsentRequestUiComplete = (granted: Boolean) -> Unit
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interface ConsentRequestUiCompletionHandler

Used for Java interop.

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class Consents

This class keeps track of all granted or denied consents of a user.

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open class DataPoint(    val campaignId: String,     var times: Int = 1,     val first: Calendar =,     val last: Calendar =
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interface DebugHandler
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open class DefaultStore(args: Map<String, Any> = HashMap(), debug: (message: String) -> Unit = fun(_){}) : Store

Default implementation of a store. Stores the data in JSON format in a given folder.

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interface DoneHandler
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class Event(    val category: String,     val action: String,     val name: String?,     var value: Double?,     val campaignId: String,     var times: Int = 1,     val first: Calendar =,     val last: Calendar = : DataPoint
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enum EventAggregationRule : Enum<EventAggregationRule>
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enum Feature : Enum<Feature>
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class FeatureConsent(val feature: Feature, consent: Consent) : Consent
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class Insights(    val idsite: Int,     val lang: String?,     val ua: String?)

Create an Insights object according to configuration with all data from the store which is due for offloading to the server.

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interface JavaConsentRequestUi
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abstract class JavaStore @JvmOverloads constructor(args: Map<String, Any> = HashMap(), debug: DebugHandler? = null) : Store

The store holds the user's consents to the different Features and Campaigns, and their Visit and Event measurements.

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class Period(val start: Calendar, val end: Calendar)
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abstract class Store(args: Map<String, Any> = HashMap(), debug: (message: String) -> Unit = fun(_){})

The store holds the user's consents to the different Features and Campaigns, and their Visit and Event measurements.

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class Visit(    val scenePath: List<String>,     val campaignId: String,     var times: Int = 1,     val first: Calendar =,     val last: Calendar = : DataPoint


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fun CleanInsights.Companion.autoTrack(    context: Context,     server: URL,     siteId: Int,     campaigns: Map<String, Campaign>? = null): CleanInsights

Instantiates a singleton CleanInsights object with a default configuration and a default campaign named "visits" which never expires.


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val CleanInsights.Companion.autoTrackCi: CleanInsights?